Stocking Stuffers with an OT Twist

Stocking stuffers are one of my favorite things to buy for Christmas. I love finding fun and useful things that will stand the test of time and won’t be forgotten by the next week. What is even better is when the stocking stuffers are useful for development! Here are a few ideas…

A yo yo is so fun for your 8-12 year old!

Smencils or smelly pencils, make writing fun!

A fun game requiring fine motor and motor planning skills!

Doodle Tops are great for developing fine motor skills.

This game involves holding directions and sequences in short term or working memory, a key skill of motor planning and executive functions.

Thinking Putty is a favorite fidget for kids and adults!

A Squiggle Writer is great for kids who need a bit more tactile awareness to their hands.

Mad Matter feels so amazing but can get a little messy…


What are some of your favorite stocking stuffers?