Sunday Snippets

I can’t keep track of what day it is. How about you? We are probably all seeing the same memes out there but truly, each day does feel like Groundhog day or a Monday. Fridays have lost their pizazz. Here are some funny things I’m seeing, some links with activities, and some of the things we are doing to stay busy and sane…

These pretty much sum it up….


We are having some great times just kidding- some long days is more like it- during our shelter-in-place. But we are attempting to keep the kids busy choosing some recipes they can help make! I had the cookbook in the middle when I was a kid and just loved it!!!

This article captures what working from home is like

I really want to try and make these with the kids!

Or let’s be honest, I might just buy these

Get out those Easter eggs and make some egg circle paintings! I first did this when my daughter was 18 months old…


How fun would this be?!:

We are trying to get outside as much as possible, especially before the rain comes this next week


This is a fun activity- take a plastic bag and draw a person on it. Add some pom poms, beads, really it could be anything round, and add a little water. Practice those fine motor skills to push the pom pom into the person’s mouth!


Distance learning and screen time feels like a lot. We are handing over computers, tablets, and phones to young kids like it’s candy. I try to come up with activities that achieve the objective the teacher desires but without the screen. Sometimes I don’t and I hand over the screen because this tenuous time feels all about survival at moments. But while my daughter is working on a time unit and doing time worksheets, I’m trying to make it come alive and found this nature sundial that really show what time is. What a dichotomy huh? Because right now time feels like a blur. We never know what time it is…


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