Sunday Snippets


Be on the look out for sidewalk chalk obstacle courses! I will be leaving them around town in Los Gatos! Tag me if you see one and play! #otoutsideobstaclecourse or perhaps make some in your neighborhood for all of the kiddos!


We found some very cool treasures on an adventure to a nearby creek and will be making these!


This is our favorite air dry clay- and the options are endless for how to create from pinch pots, beads, animals, hearts, birds in a nest… The white is fun because you can paint it but this colored set of air dry clay is so vibrant!

I like this way of scheduling out the day for kids during this pandemic- post-it notes have been very useful for us!

Did you know that I have an Amazon storefront? I spent some time organizing it and adding lists and items- be sure to check it out for some great materials to help you as you raise, teach and engage with your kiddos!


These are delicious and a great way to get kids helping in the kitchen and excited about food!
